Nankunshen Temple


Story of the 3-Masted Ship

The Boat Returns

Kaiji Zhengshen & the Lords of Nankunshen

The ‘3 Treasures’ of Kunshen







The Boat Returns

With pious ceremony, the small boat with its precious cargo was set again into the open sea. What a surprise when it returned not long after -- to the exact same spot in the bay! This was accepted as a sign that the five truly desired to stay. Celebrations followed the Five Lords as they were returned to the hut - rededicated as their new temple.

Word of their miraculous return spread far and wide, and the faithful flocked to the improvised temple. Better catches gave fishermen and their families an increasingly better life. With blessings felt up and down the coast, the time was right to build a real temple for the benefactors. Those who could donated money, while others donated their labor. The dream of Nankunshen temple became reality.


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